Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hi everyone, I m not good , I try so hard I make my mind every night before sleeping that I will do better tommorow but next morning I feel helpless useless I don’t feel like doing anything, I m so sensitive and emotional I keep on crying, I have no money, no career , no parental support , no companion and on top of that I am seeing number 13 which is my birthdate everywhere all the time from past 1 month , I have no clue what’s going on with my life , there’s much more…

2 replies

Trudie Nguyen @kawaiitrudi...

Dear, I was like this for years. It creeps me out sometimes. If I could go back to that time, I would tell myself to volunteer and work for free just to get out. Go doing public works to give you a sense of self worth. Things happened for a reason, trust your progress. I was strong enough to help myself, without those dark moments, I wouldn’t be able to be strong. My dad suddenly passed away 3 weeks ago, and I was strong enough to handle his death, took care of his funeral, to go through sadness and grief. Im still grieving, I wish I could have been able to ask him questions but unfortunately I wasn’t near him to do so. Life and death are so closed. I feel your frustration, keep going.

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