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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone’s doing there best to survive.

I miss her so much and every night I see if she’s online or not and think about letting her know how I feel or how much disturbed I am… but idk if she even thinks about me anymore… it’s too hard to carry now a days as every thing and every minute of my day takes me back to her memories… I feel like it’s a permanent damage to me.

I lost my self confidence about dating and feels like I won’t be able to approach or ask any girl now. It’s getting me every day worse than the day before.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp
Profile picture for Now&Me member @asim21
20 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp

Alex @deceivedayp

sounds like my life lol, people suck what can i say. but the right people will come. You should’ve seen my love life before a week ago. It was a freaking mess!


Mine’s still a mess now… Idk man like I’ve lost that trust and every positive emotion and I’m afraid people leave you for no reason and I can’t handle that again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp

Alex @deceivedayp

ik man ik. I was dying for years bro. Girls dont like me.


We are the same side of the coin… Let’s see how much more the life will humiliate us.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @deceivedayp

Alex @deceivedayp

eyy, who has a worse love life lol


I can imagined how u feel right now.
First know you are so freaking worth it, and that is something not even you can take away.
Two, remember that what leaves is for best, keep hoping someone else better will come.
Three I can imagine how u miss her, I’ve felt that, but I got over him thinking of how lucky I am for the other people and things I have now that he is gone, It’s hard but you gotta remind yourself that you are still alive, and that is just a prove that you are not going to die without her. You gotta be tough with yourself, remember you are really worthy, so don’t take any less. She left for a reason, meaning she is not the one.
PS: Honestly, I’d even like to date you now, you feel really kind and honest <3


Hey, I’m sorry the notifications tab was not working… I’m here now and let me know if you would like to chat… :)


Hey, did you get this comment haha? I’d like to know about you.


Hi, I’m guessing you are the guy of the post?
Sorry for answering so late, but I was kinda busy


Yes I am, it’s okay even the notifications are not working. I’d like to talk to you. Let me know if you want that too… I’ll be checking this separately :)


I honestly don’t know. I’m probably not what you expect, and you are probably not what I expect :I
But I’ll give it a go :)


Well actually more of who I am. Hope we don’t misunderstood
(Also sorry if I say something incoherent am not a native English speaker)


Hey, it’s okay. Even I’m not a native English speaker. Let’s try. If we’ll proceed then you can help me with your IG handle and I’ll ping you there :)

We’ll see how this journey goes.


Yes but I’m unable to find you. DM me on

And help me with your IG name.


Is it @emily_072417 ?



Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @asim21

Asim @asim21

Okay, did you get my IG handle? If yes, you can dm me as well


Hi, I’m so freaking sorry, but I no longer feel safe talking to a stranger :(
Also, I found your profile and I’m defenetly not what you expect or even what you are looking for. I’m so much more younger than you,but like really so much more younger. I’m so tremendously sooooooorryyyyyyyyyy 😖


Answer if u saw my message pls ⬆️


Ohhh no issues I guess, it’s okay 🙂


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