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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wallahetvii

Hetvi @wallahetvii

Hi everyone i am new here and I really messed up in the past few days I engaged myself in bad company I entered myself in vaping and my mum recently found out she’s been heartbroken since my bad friends who I thought would always be there for me backstabbed me my bf cheated on me with my best friend everyone seems fake 😭 i feel like I have failed in life idk what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @little
Profile picture for Now&Me member @hamdamunir
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wallahetvii
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @little

candy @little

Don’t think like you have failed in life , it was some bad days and surely it’s gonna pass …!! Promise your mother that you will not do those stuffs again and be grateful that you got to know the true faces of your friends and never believe them again … think everything happened for good and move on !! See every things happens for a good reason so chill … if u want any help feel free to connect

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wallahetvii

Hetvi @wallahetvii

Thats really sweet 🥺❤️


look if u somehow youre religious {if ur} I would recommend u baghwat geeta as I was also in same type of situation few years back it helped me a lot, but only if ur intrsd, not by force,

talking about second solution
you to engage with people who are positive, and living life a fullest, travel, do ur hobby, find a goal and devote ur body mind every blood to that goal,

talking about your cheating problem
look its what life is all about u will found people who will hurt you but the show must go in, don’t think about what has gone think about what u have. u have ur beautiful mom live a beautiful life for her, its your mind u have to control it don’t let ur mind control, ur the boss not ur mind, frankly saying if ur mom did found about ur bad behaviour she doesn’t stop u loving she is just worried for u… it doesn’t effect her love for u , might be she is disappointed but her love is as pure as before

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hamdamunir

hamda munir @hamdamunir

Hey plz don’t overthink this situation be strong u can handle this shitty world on your own and ps remember these events as an advice to always think before doing smthin cz ig ur parents are everythin and boys are douchebags

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wallahetvii

Hetvi @wallahetvii

I agree with you !!


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