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Hi all,

We all have a dream of better family better life after marriage. Where people will say to treat our mother-in-law as mother but in my case she is just mother-in-law.

Both Me and my husband had cold, in fact I have 100% of cold what he is having but the treatment what he is getting is 200% more than me. I can wash plates 3times cook 4times, but he can’t drink normal water for 1time

Is this how mother-in-law treat her daughter-in-law is this what my parents believed them

Is this situation is only for me or for all the daughter-in-law.

4 replies

Uk what…you should speak up…tell them that even youre tired…


I had tried once so my mother-in-law spread roumers that I won’t work in home just I’ll go to office and cm. Even after making breakfast, lunch in the morning washing all plates I use to go for office, after coming again I use to prepare dinner and wash plates before bed


why dont you talk to your husband about all this . i think he will listen


No use, he will say one thing , leave it don’t think much old people r like that only


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