Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hi all,
It’s my first day here…
Hope you all are doing amazing.
Do I have anyone to chat with?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
19 replies

Thanks so much for replying guys.


Why are people here? I saw this reel on Instagram and made me curious to join.


Actually same here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

This is indeed a platform that can drive you curious, when you get to see that there’s a place where you can finally be heard, without judgements, where you can be helped, where you can share your thoughts anonymously.


But I am going through some previous posts here, seems like every other person is going through something.

Has happiness become an illusion ?


Maybe yeah. I mean the world is a cruel place

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

No, happiness exists. You will find it everywhere, you just need to search for it.
Talking about people over here, it’s true that most of us are going through something or the other, but I’m pretty sure that the very thought that there are people who can hear you out here makes them happy, and some kind users are so helpful, that the ones suffering succeed in overcoming their problems and achieving happiness.


Yeah I guess, just trying to find out the positives.

Been feeling so low for a while. I don’t have any major issues, or that I can think of which has unknowingly affected me.

I have just become a very cold person.

My heart is like a freezer, you put left over food on my chest and it still remains fresh the next day 😂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Haha, seems you’re hiding the fact that you’re feeling cold nowadays beneath the veil of humour. Would you like to elaborate on why have you been feeling so low lately?


I took a moment to reflect on your comment, trying hard to find a crisp answer.
I’m not quite sure what’s going on tbh.

Mix of things, friends getting married, me not meeting anyone even if invited, like running away, waiting on some news career wise, home issues sometimes…

I guess I hate uncertainty, and that’s what is making me restless?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Probably yes, if that’s what you think.
Sometimes things happening around us really make us feel disturbed, and it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with it. I can understand from the fact that you’re unable to meet people despite being invited, that you feel lonely, cornered, you are upset at not having things happening the way you expect them to happen. Am I right?


Been working hard on a few things related to career, things were going great, but just waiting on hearing back.

Apart from that even though I miss being wanted or being with a partner, just don’t feel like dating anyone too.

Guess I have become too guarded, and in this process I have forgotten how to open up to good things.


I am in the same place and I dont know what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

I see. I think you should take a break, and spend some time in self contemplation. In this short term of solitude, you’ll understand what’s that you actually want from your life right now. When you’re back from the break, you might feel like socialising, and even if you don’t feel like doing so, there’s still another option. Loneliness takes the form of boredom, and it is then when you feel like losing interest in everything. Try setting off and working on your hobbies in line with focusing on your careers. A good balance will really prove to be helpful. Also, you can maintain a diary or a journal, as writing really helps improve your mental health.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Hello there! Nice to have you here. Wishing you a happy time at this safe and amazing platform.


thank u so much


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