Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey you🌻
Making sense of our humanness in this world is difficult, so we find meaning in things that are larger than us. This sense of interconnectedness, is what binds us and allows us to feel belonged 🥰

The three main components of our interconnected selves are:
1. Community: A larger sense of people, who come together (Like here!) 🫂
2. Relationships: Our close relationships, friends or family or any relationship that grounds us ❤️
3. Nature: The earth that we see around us, living and being 🏞️

When it comes to finding a sense of identity, all these components together bring togetherness. What are you most close to today? 🤔⬇️ #mindfulmondays

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnkenny9980
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnpsatan13
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
20 replies

chutki @sum1

Relationship n nature

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Thankyou for sharing 🧡✨🤗

Profile picture for Now&Me member @johnkenny9980

John Kenny @johnkenny9980

I don’t think one can happen without the other.
All of the above

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme


Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnpsatan13

Prabhakar M N @mnpsatan13

Well articulated

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme



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