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Hey unknowns , so here is a thing ,
There is this guy , who is my classmate and initially we were great friends like we used to talk a lot and i was expecting that eventually we might end up becoming besties ✌🏻
But over past 1 month all of a sudden he has reduced talking by 70% with me , it’s like whenever we talk it’s me who initiates all the conversations and i am the one who puts efforts , who reaches out to him, checks on him ,but not even a single percent of reciprocation of efforts I’m receiving from his end . Earlier i thought may be this is because he is focused on studies but even after exams this behaviorial change persists .
I tried stopping myself from talking to him; acting cold towards him and avoiding him like he does , but turns out it isn’t even affecting him at all maybe & for the sake of old times and my undulated attachment with him, i myself called and confronted him ,but he clearly said that " he wasn’t acting cold with me and everything is normal " …

Though from my perspective things are quite twisted … moreover i have a slight doubt that maybe i have feelings for him too… am i doing anything wrong here ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi
6 replies

You are just overthinking and see if he wants to limit things then do that why you have to rush & hurry .


Okay so here is the thing , after 4-5 months our sections would be swapped and i fear if he is distancing himself so much now only then maybe after section’s swap we might even lose touch and the bond vanishes …


Then if he doesn’t want to keep the bond then let it be like that


I dont want to say this but maybe you are not that important to him as he is to you bc if he felt the same way, he would worry about the things u worry too

Profile picture for Now&Me member @akabhi

Abhijeet A.K @akabhi

If he is not caring you then I don’t see he has feelings for you. Or better talk to him directly that he likes someone or like that.
If you want to talk connect me


Usually boys are simple, what they feel inside they treat the same outside. If he cares he will reach you, if he has feelings he will confess to you, if afraid to lose the bond he will try to initiate talks. If he is not doing it better let him go. You will meet wonderful people ahead in your life and when you remember this, you won’t regret it.


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