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Long Distance RelationshipThought


Hey there idk is anyone have the same issues like mine idk how to share with friends or anyone else cuz i don’t have frnds it’s feels like burden inside by keeping all stuff my gf and me had been in relationship for over 2 years but now cuz some misunderstanding she changed and now it’s like toxic relationship I’m in and I never left her cuz of love and idk I just can’t even think about leaving her but still she just making things difficult she is the only one whom I shared my personal stuff every time but when she changed I never much get support from her to let me share my feelings and it’s just making me feel like crying most of the time (can anyone suggest me something?)

6 replies

I can feel you bro!! Pls share about it here … sharing with us may help in detoxing your mind


I never shared my stuff like this before and it’s my first time sharing like this


I can completely understand. And I am telling you it’s only gonna make you feel better


Its fine buddy, its alright to cry out and unbottle your emotions once in a while. You have a lot of friends here, feel free to talk about anything :)


I hope this gonna make me feel better


For sure man. Believe in yourself, you ll get over this situation.


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