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Hey so I’m new to this! I have literally nobody to talk to about how I’m feeling and I really need an outlet for my emotions. I have a super loving boyfriend but sometimes I feel like all he wants from me is my body. I went to his best friend’s party recently and I felt very neglected. I’m a very shy and insecure Person so I’m not comfortable with new people and I don’t dance my heart out. There was another girl similar to me and her bf treated her with so much love, he kept coming back to her and dancing with her making her feel welcome, at one point he took her to the side and hugged her for a few mins and stayed with her. My bf came to me only when he saw the other boy going to his gf, I’m sure if they wouldn’t have been there he would’ve completely ignored me. Recently he told me he can’t stand the smell of my underarms. I feel so insecure.Whenever we meet all he wants is to do physical stuff with me and no conversation, I feel so helpless but we love each other and I know we’re meant to be.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha2704
23 replies

Anonymous @nik0509

Wait what underarms smell seriously 😑😑😑


We went out a few days back and it was the first time I wore a sleeveless top with him. We went to a restaurant first and then he took me to the movies bcz he wanted to “do stuff”. The next day he asked me if I had body odour problems and that there was a distinct smell.

Anonymous @nik0509

Thats toxic gurl i don’t know u much but one my frnds she was also in such kind of relationship i helped her to get out now she is happy and living her life


Sometimes as a joke he says I’m a bitch or that I’m smelly etc and I know he means it as a joke but it hurts so much


You guys don’t love each other ! I have been there and ik it ! Atleast he doesn’t love you back , if you can’t be who exactly you are , do you really wanna be there !? and stop assuming that you are "meant to be " when he makes you insecure about things you can’t really do anything about


I hear you. His last relationship was super toxic and it hurt him a lot and sometimes I can’t help but feel that he doesn’t want to put himself through that hurt again which is why he doesn’t want to go in too deep. He deserves to be loved properly, he has family issues money issues I just don’t want to add to any stress


Oh girl! I love you ! I’m a girl and ik , i have been there , what people do is tell you their stories and then we think that we are supposed to give them all the love of this world , but we don’t have to because the toxicity which you’re receiving might just be a trauma for you in future , how old are you ! By the way he said to you , you are anywhere around 15-18 and these years are to focus on good things be with good people, this toxicity will lead to the wrongest path ! What if he has problems we can’t do this to you !


I’m 21 haha but yeah you’re right I don’t need to compare or hide my feelings if I want to love him


You dont deserve this ! Im telling you ! Other it’s always gonna be your choice


It’s soo annoying and i don’t think so it’s love between you guys coz when you are in love you don’t care about smell atlst, not underarms smell. You deserve much bttr thn this and if he can ignore you this much then I’m you can do much bttr thn this,…


At the same time I can’t help but think that maybe he’s saying so for me to be better and to avoid being uncomfortable in a public situation. He said he’s okay with it but I don’t know.


I totally understand your love for him but he is not in fear of losing you that’s y he doesn’t think before speak, don’t assume by yourself only that he is saying coz of u to be better, u were absolutely perfect when he choose you so now y these are just excuses, and in a relationship, it should be mutual consent to be physical … firstly clarify everything with him that these things are making you uncomfortable and then go continue…


I’ll try to clarify things thanks


You are very brave don’t get settle for anything …
Good Luck


1. stop comparing. Grass is always greener on the other side.
2. get your thoughts straight once you say hes loving and the next thing is that all he wants is your body, listen to yourself you know the answers.
3. If something of the guy bothers you talk it out with him.
4. Don’t be insure, just try to take care of the things, if you have smelly underarm get some products work on that. it’s that simple.


Yes I’m working on the smell and you’re right I should talk it out with him but I don’t know how to. Look I know it sounds stupid but I just can’t help but compare and want to be better than his ex for him, I want him to know I can treat him better so I avoid burdening him with these things. We had problems the beginning of this year too, he was busy with some work and he ignored me for a month almost with very little conversation and when I told him how hurt I was he became better and apologised too. I know I can tell him how I feel but I don’t know how to without making it seem like I’m whining or something


you don’t need to be better than anyone be you and you are better that way.
2. If he loves you the way you are then there’ll be no need of getting better.
3. And about talking that you have to do, just don’t point fingers that you have stopped doing this you don’t give me time, try changing it with something like we should spend some time together haven’t gone to the place you like together for a while.
4. With time relationship also changes you can’t be talking to each other 24/7. So to keep that spark flowing try to do different things together that races your hearts, fun things that gets you close.


Yeah you’re right thanks!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha2704

Frankly speaking I’m through ur situation I’ve broken up with him I really thought he was the one for me… But it started getting too intimate and he never talked to me all he does was this… When I told him I want to break up he didn’t gave a shit about it… We both were together for 4years… I’m sure he never cheated… But he never cared about my feelings opinions situation anything… So if you feel anything go straight and talk to him about it and u don’t have to take everything you don’t have to be pressurised be cool… I know it’s not at all easy but doing it now is better than a very bad heart break in future… U can always talk to me… Be bold don’t be insecure about yourself… Be yourself…u don’t need to change…be happy


He definitely cares about me and my opinions but he just doesn’t know how some of the things he says or does make me feel and I’m not sure if it’s me overreacting or not

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha2704

It feels so good to see you r so confident about him… So that’s it u both love each can understand each other… Tell him what bothers he’ll surely understand


Yeah I hope so thanks!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha2704

Welcome u can always come back to me 😉


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