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so i have a friends and we’ve been friends for a very long time like more than ten years.
and one day she texted me and she was complaining about her parents so i told her that her parents were right and she got pissed and said i dont ever support her i mean i obviously dont want anything bad for her right and we did not talk for a little more than a week and when i tried texting her she didnt reply she came online a few times after i texted her but she did not reply. so basically i sent her a message on snapchat but she did not reply and all she sent me was a snap to maintain the streaks and it makes me feel horrible. i feel like im not a good friend and shes like my best friend and it just makes me angry and sad.
idek what to do now cause i only have 2 goos friends and i really dont want to lose her
i mean i put the efforts and initiated the conversation but seems like she doesnt even care anymore.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_


See, firstly, you are not in the wrong, you did the right thing by telling her what’s right and wrong
secondly and always remember this, if a person is texting you or calling you then you just let them vent it all out, in this case, you should have just let her say her heart out and just listen and then calmly make her understand both side of it.

just let them rant and then make them understand both side of it

thirdly, i know what it is like without friends and what you feel is totally normal but as right pointed out shru555, give her space,
space is always essential

just let her calm down, she’s already stressed and if you constantly ping her she might get irritated. So just give her space and talk to her after couple of days.


I agree with shru and northstar. You are right on your side. And she’s right on her’s. She’s just angry. Let her steam come off. Give her some space. You’ve been friends for so long. She’ll understand for sure and respond back . Same thing had happened to me although we weren’t friends for that long but as i didn’t matched her side she got little pissed and didn’t talk to me for sometime. Then all of a sudden i received her text , she apologized for that day and so did i. So it’ll be alright. She’ll understand. Take care 😊


Try texting her please
this will help. Also if you think you were right regarding the incident try telling her why
tell her you perception and then maybe you can sort things out


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