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Please do help me out
Am from India, I am getting so insecure about my relationship each time i think i should not thought about it i think more about it :-( idk what to do i keep on stalking him, everywhere as possible i can, i even don’t want to whenever i step back i started feeling bad so again i stalk what to do,

6 replies

How long has it been with your bf?


4 years


4 years is a long time. So you might have estimated if you bf is loyal enough and trustworthy or not. Feeling jealous is very normal. Like as if i talk about myself i am so jealous not just in case of my bf but friends as well. But being insecure isn’t good. You’ve together this long then maybe sitting down, talking about your problems can sort things out. Try spending more quality time with each other. And more of all trust him if you know he is capable of your trust.


Thank you ❤️ taking time and helping me, but talking about all this again nd again coz everything is in my mind,


Well, i am here. And you talk about what ever you want. If not this i am even here for random convos


Ya sure 😊


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