Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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ordinary @_kelly_

Hey peeps!!
How y’all doing?
It’s my first time on this here. I installed it 2-3 hours ago and have been continuously using it until now. One common thing i came across here is everyone is depressed, going through with something in life. I even comment on some of the posts of others sometimes being @kelly and sometimes being @anonymous to make 'em feel a bit better.
β€œNothing stays forever so just enjoy the moment you are in.”
Tips to make yourself feel better :-
When I’m sad i cry(rarely) and laugh which help me to forget about the thing which made me sad and if laughing doesn’t work out, looking at nature-trees always does and even talking to someone with your open heart also does helps.
I’m a very lively and a cheerful person, don’t know if this app is for me as i haven’t come across any post or something/someone who’s not sad with his/her life. And if there’re people out here who are lively + adventurous + open minded let me know in comment section so we can be friendπŸ‘―πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ
Even when i installed this app, first thing appear on my screen was asking me about my mood and the options were anxiety, depression, sad, lonely etc…
Perhaps you guys have already found people like am looking for but please share 'em with me, i also want to have funπŸ₯².

So being a cheerful person i don’t know if this platform is for me or not.

Let me know in the comment section your views on it…

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