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Hey, my boyfriend is feeling depressed recently.
Feeling void inside. He feels like stuck in life. He says, he miss me all the time but he don’t feel like talking. He is saying things are not at all okay for him but i am sure he loves me so much. I dont know what happened to him. He was such a happy person. He feels like stuck with life. What can i do to make him okay or feeling cared. I don’t want him to feel lonely. Please tell me how can i help him get over this.

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Sanket @sanket

Seems like your partner is having self-doubts which are leading to such situations.
First of all, manage a decent amount of time with him. Talk to him and make him comfortable, then try to make him speak about his fears, self-doubts and whatever he is feeling. This conversation could get heated up but you will need to be calm and listen to him.
The next step would be taking small steps which would make him do some work that would give him a sense of achievement such as cleaning the house, helping his mom, clearing pending work.
Again speak to him about his feelings and figure out the root cause. Then think of ways to eliminate it.
In all this you will have to be strong and supportive, you will have to support his growth eventually supporting this relationship and yourself.
Do not forget to give him assurance that you will try in every way to resolve this scenario.

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