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Kash @kashhh

Hey mates, new to this application but loving the concept of sharing stuff haha. Is it really worth to accept someone who is toxic by brain but at the same time a lovely person by heart ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


Well who is pure at heart and sometimes toxic then that person won’t hurt you… they can make you laugh by their toxic actions lol

Kash @kashhh


True that ! Guysss, it’s really hard when a person works acc to the brain and keeps his/her heart shut in case of feelings. Anyway, being alone is always better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joker279

Joker 😈😈😈 @joker279


Hahahaha… well i agree. I am doing the same lol. I make friends even close friends but not into relationships lol

Kash @kashhh


That’s the plan for 20s obviously, those days of attachments are not meant for us, cheers


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