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Self EsteemThought


I’ve never felt comfortable in my skin.

1. I’ve always had body image issues. I perceived myself to be fat even when I was fit. Now, I’ve gained a lot of weight. I dont find the will to lose it. I just stopped looking in mirrors.
2. I’ve suffered with acne for about 9 years. They’ve left deep scars. I’ve tried everything. I’m very conscious about the way I look. Even if its not true, I think people are looking at it and are discussing about it. I avoided mirrors. I need to face it.

I’m trying to get over them. Everyday is a struggle.

3 replies

I think I know how you feel. I’m a recovering anorexic, it got to the point where I was blowing off school to exercise and rationing myself 1 meal per day. I barely lost weight though. I’ve learnt something though, everyone is beautiful. Skinny? Pretty. Chubby? Cute. Look at it this way. A rose is pretty. But so are spotted flowers! You are who you are, and whether that’s acne or crystal skin, thin or thick, tall or short, any ethnicity, any gender or sexuality. You flaws are what make you perfect. Don’t be ashamed, you are AMAZING, if you’re a nice person, i promise you, you are BEAUTIFUL


Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me.


as someone who needs to be reminded of this every day, I think I get it :D either way I’m happy I could help :)


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