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Hey!! I’ve been having my exams and focusing very less lately thinking about the loneliness of my life
I’ve been in a one sided love and i moved away from it because I felt I dint get enough self respect and it felt very bad
Then for moving on I kinda dated this casual guy but I talked about quitting within a week because I was unsure about my feelings
Then I realised I dint want to lose a good friend so I talked to him again and we are good friends but it doesn’t feel like before , he dates other women spends more time with them than he used to do it with me and I feel very insecure about the other women he talks to
I know I wanted a casual dating but now I’m feeling really insecure
Maybe if I was more prettier I should’ve had a chance at love
I feel rejected because of this And I don’t know if I should cofess my feelings or wait until my exams are over

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
3 replies

1 thing at a time sweetheart. 😉😉

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

First and most important thing that you can do is, focus on yourself for now
And your studies

Because career is important and it will work as a break for you and after that you and him should sit down and have a proper conversation


Focus on your exam trust me love is just a dumbo luck if that person is in your faith nothing will stop it and if he isn’t there is no way you are going to get him … make your future sweety you don’t need a man to feel loved this is not the only thing that matters one day you will be in love with the one who will be only yours till then focus on your studies and yourself and just by the way you are really beautiful and unique trust me on this


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