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Hey its always said home is the most protected place and u feel happiest there but when a girl is unmarried she is not respected by family and when u are not performing good in career u are compared and taunted all the time. Why are girls blamed on their looks if they we unmarried post 25. Please make home a safe place. And when i make parents understand they get more offended and taunt me more i am tired super tired

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwishihadafriend
Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwishihadafriend

I feel you my friend… It’s shit don’t listen to them. You are strong💓


Yes tring to be strong and thanks


Hey, buddy don’t listen to them, thier talks will hurt , totally understandable, but right now you have to focus on yourself, start again with your career , grow yourself beautifully and without any guilt, taking happy moments even the Littlest one, 25 or more, marriage is not everything if your words don’t work, show them your action
. ❤️


Yes action should speak now and thanks for this sweet words… Feels super light when u read a comment here


It’s sad that girls have to face this constant pressure of getting married. But you can do this. Don’t let others thoughts and opinions bring you down.


Ohh yes at times i do tell them the same but now i would not take it seriously

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

If you doesn’t look good you will get taunt by your family member
If you doesn’t know how to do a makeup again taunt,
With cooking to making a career at some point every girl have to gone through this…
You are strong girl
Let them speak what they want to, you do what makes you feel right… keep your head up princess


Very well said… Thanks


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