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SID @sidrox

Hey! Is move on really possible?

3 replies

I had been in a relationship for 7 years, then we broke up after 1 and half years I lived alone, rarely talked with any friends, didn’t shared to anyone about relationship, just worked on myself, then started to talk to a girl after 7 months of talking I decided to ask for dating, well then I find out one of my friends is already dating her from last 2 weeks, in midst of all these, I realised one thing, it’s all in our head. life is not about only one person, you don’t need to move on, every person you meet is a part of you, what holds you back is when you start to regret the moments you spent with people, Just know at one time they were exactly what you wanted so you can’t move on. What you can try is carrry on the experience of your life to not repeat any mistakes you did in life. I am happy for my ex as well as the girl I wanted to date. So you can try too.


Yes. It is possible. In order to have healthy relationships in future it is important to move on. It will take time and lots of hard work/reflection/self talk.




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