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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14

T14 @t14


I’m not going anywhere. I won’t leave, I won’t give up.And i will be here every single time you need me . I will never leave your hand. Can doubt it. You can try to push me away because you think I’ll leave anyway but that never be true. I don’t care if there are 100 reasons to leave me, you’re the only reason I ever need to stay.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14
5 replies

Your partner would be so lucky

Profile picture for Now&Me member @t14

T14 @t14

Haha tqs but sorry she already left from me😇


Oh , no I don’t expect that happened, I thought you are some one new to love

And I typed to say this , in your previous post

Bro , you need to go through a lot, don’t judge people quickly, even when you give it all it may mean nothing to who don’t seek from you ,I mean it’s totally nothing ,it’s like you are giving a fork to drink their soup, they are looking for spoon,

Don’t worry man she will realise that you are the spoon, she has lot of fantasy in her mind about a perfect person better than you, but only we know they don’t exist


Haha I hope she will comeback one day🥺


Yeah after trying every kind of shoes in the shop and realising nothing fits , you will be choosing the one shoe that fitted first, you didn’t choose it because you liked it you choosed because its the only shoe that fitted youu. Never be an option

Don’t focus on her. Probably she will finally listen to her parents and marry the boy they show.

Become better think for long term , be the man she can’t get , let her choose you be the boy her parents choose

Never let yourself taken for granted, set boundaries, be masculine

Take care


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