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Zippy @zippy

Hey, I’m new to this whole thing… My online sort of best friend is practically in love with me… I really wanted us to stay friends …and this shit is scarring me…I have no idea whatsover he’s planning to meet me on my birthday and we live in two different cities…this is really scary for me because oflate I’ve been filled with negative thoughts …everything was going good until this happened … I seriously have no idea what to do

Profile picture for Now&Me member @furyinside_404
Profile picture for Now&Me member @3vs
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @furyinside_404

πŸ•ŠβœŒπŸΌ @furyinside_404


You can try and be open about your concern and share it with him. If you haven’t communicated then he may not understand your perspective. In his head he may want to make you feel special and if that’s not the case then best to have a friendly conversation (if you have that equation).

Zippy @zippy


I don’t think he’ll understand but I’ll surely try also thanks for reaching out :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @3vs

Trisha @3vs


Hey it’s k… don’t do things u don’t want to do… if u like him give him a chance or just say what’s Ur in mind … as u mentioned online frnd , just make sure he doesn’t force u in anything n be extra careful

Muskan @idkyaaar


It’s not okay for you because it wasn’t your part of plan but falling in love with you was also not part of his plan , been there I know how scary it can get but girl first communicate tell and be clear with what you want . Next , hear him outtt respect his pov and both come to something that works

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Umm, experienced the same thing. I’m not here to scare you but just want to share my experience. It got bad. Because I didn’t feel the same for him. But I really wanted for us to stay friends but he wouldn’t stop flirting and hoping that we get together one day. I knew that it was gonna end up even worse if I kept delaying it so I had to leave him. I believe he’s better off without me. I couldn’t lead him on, in a way. As per you, you should create a line and tell him sooner that you don’t feel the same.

Zippy @zippy


This is exactly what’s happening …but again I really want us to be friends


Yes. I wanted the same. I gave him another shot. But he couldn’t just help his feelings. I don’t blame him for it either.
Since this is pretty fresh for you, maybe he’ll understand and try to not cross that line. I think you should talk to him as soon as possible.

Zippy @zippy


Don’t you think talking will just worsen the whole scene …isn’t it better to just slowly avoid?


Don’t you think that he might be in an illusion that you feel the same for him? And it might keep leading him on. And just amplify his feelings over time.
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe avoiding it might work. But someday, it’ll pop up. And you’ll have to make a choice. I chose to make that choice in the early stage because I didn’t want him to be devastated by leaving him later.

Zippy @zippy


Maybe you’re right …communication is the key …but I’m superr scared to confront …it feels like I’m the one at fault


You’re not! Don’t blame yourself. You can’t help who you fall for. He didn’t choose to fall for you. It just happened. And it’s okay to feel scared. It just means that he does mean a lot to you and you’re scared to lose him.
See, you could choose to avoid everything and let it be. Maybe he’s not in love and it’s just attraction and his feelings will die down.

Zippy @zippy


Thanks for reaching out … I’m still clueless but really thanks a lot !!!


Anytime! Don’t feel pressurized to do what strangers have to say. You know your friend and you know your relationship better. I’m sure you’ll only make the right decision.

Zippy @zippy


This really helped now … Thanks bud…good wishes to you :)


Maybe he is in love maybe not, but not saying anything to him can never be a solution…it would rather keep giving you panic attacks until the day. Open up to him and see how he responds, if he is acknowledges and understands ur situation well and good, if not then tell someone whom you trust and believe who can help you out, support and stand by you.


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