Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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BLISS @bliss_27

Hey…I’m new here. Today only I came to know about this app and so far I’m loving it. There are so many lovely souls here with whom we can express all our worries comfortably. And luckily there are people who truly try their best to make us feel better and solve our issues.I know I’m solving some issues of the ones who are in a tough situation but here I’m also dealing with major issue in my life due to which I’m living a life of frustration and depression.
I’m an MSc Graduate. And completed my education in 2019. I was a top student in School and College but after college I’ve chosen a career which was truly unsatisfactory for me. But still with lots of struggles I passed with a top cgpa in a reputed institute in our city. But so far I’m trying for various jobs related to my eligibility but no success. I’ve given so many exams interviews but I failed. I truly feel like a failure. Now I’m blaming myself for choosing that career due to my family’s persistence but now I’m sitting idle with no motivation. I’m the only child of my parents but all my career decisions has been taken by my uncles. Me being an introvert girl and also a little shy due to which I’m unable to express any issues

23 replies

Saurav Mittal @saurav06


I read your thought
I can understand your feelings that you want to do something in your life and for yours parents

BLISS @bliss_27



BLISS @bliss_27


Also I have less friends but they are really busy in their life. And being a girl already of marriageable age… people in our area are asking my parents to get me married and some also blaming my parents for choosing this career for me. I truly feel helpless seeing them disappointed. And sometimes due to all these I feel like ending my life is the best solution but I don’t have the guts to do so. Due to Covid most exams has been cancelled due to which one year had already been wasted. And ryt now due to all the failures in the past…I don’t feel motivated to study. I’m studying but with no hope.
I’m sorry for sharing this depressing story which may trigger you but I felt like Sharing here as I’ve no one to share with.
If anyone reads all these patiently and help me with this issue I’ll be highly grateful.

Take care

Saurav Mittal @saurav06


Can we get connect

BLISS @bliss_27


Yeah…but how?

Saurav Mittal @saurav06


Can you send me request

This thought has been deleted by the thought author

BLISS @bliss_27


I just connected you

BLISS @bliss_27


That’s so sweet of you for this beautiful response…but my problem is I myself don’t know what I truly want. Means since childhood I was so dependent on my parents and their decisions that I forgot myself. Now a days people are following their love and passion in career but I myself don’t know what I want in my career as I’m from a non technical background…so options are very few in my case as I’m simply a post graduate with zero experience.

Saurav Mittal @saurav06


Can’t see your request

BLISS @bliss_27


Can you send me the request

Kuldeep Pathak @kuldeep21


Wow wow
Slow down
I mean you are in a phase of life almost every middle class boy or girl goes through and get past it by hard work and ignoring stupid people’s opinions about them. At the end its only you who knows whats best for you not even your parents seriously. Do what you feels right,put your heart in it and you will blossom for sure and be confident yaar.
Just think how you reached here and how much you sacrificed for it. You worked hard at every point of your life whether it was your boards exam or anything.
And i also wanna say more things on this issue because my very close btech friend who was preparing for govt exams suffered from same thing but then it will become a long political science answer for 15 marks
But let me know if i can help you in anyway

BLISS @bliss_27


I’ve no problem…you can share…I’ll glad to know…but it’s up to you.

BLISS @bliss_27


And thank you for the motivation…I truly felt too lonely as I had no one to share how I’m feeling.

Kuldeep Pathak @kuldeep21


Okay listen
First of all you are not some goat or cow who’s dependent on his owner for food.Your parents love you and viceversa.Its not like that when they will get old they will become a liability to you they will always be an asset same as you are
Second nobody is following their passion as i know because we never got a chance to realise what our passions were.From day 1 in school teachers ask what we wanna become we said doctors,engineers,scientists etc and we were trained in this manner πŸ˜… almost all of us are doing what we are being told by our genius relatives who think that engineering is the most prestigious field because their son is doing sde job in some mnc
Third you are a post graduate with hell lot of knowledge use it.I know salary might be low because we have shifted towards IT sector economy and its on boom in india.
But you will stay happy that i can assure you.
And srry again it got very lengthy but couldnt control my emotions because i can relate so much to it

BLISS @bliss_27


Hey no…I was glad that you took out your time and motivated me. Thank you so much for all the positive and moral support.

Kuldeep Pathak @kuldeep21


And careerwise i’m not too sure if i can guide you much because actually i’m persuing mtech so not my field but i will say stay positive plzz talk with some good friend
Connect with me if you want and dont think like the way you are thinking.
Everyone is special and unique in this world

Kuldeep Pathak @kuldeep21


Arre it feels like my own story just from another person so no need to say thank anyway


Damn, it’s a similar story for me except for the facts that I’m almost done with my Btech and I’m a boy. But, still I can completely relate with the way you are feeling. Hopefully things fall in place soon. πŸ™πŸ»

BLISS @bliss_27


Thank you for your wishes.


Hey, just wanna say welcome to the app… it’s a good space where people listen and console you , you’re having a tough time , obviously I don’t know why people make your time stressful, but it’s something you can surely overcome and make your day and ways filled with change, you wanna see finally.

BLISS @bliss_27


Thank you so much for your kind response…I hope things get normal soon.


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