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Hey! I’m new here and I honestly don’t have friends to talk about such things so I thought this can be one of my comfort places.

I’ve been dating a guy since 6 months, I know it’s quite less but tbh this is my first relationship. I’ve never been into this before. I casually dated before and i knew few pros and many cons. We usually end up staying in long distance relationship. Rn I’m in ldr and we continuously fight and it gets sorted easily but the fight is by. Me. I haven’t talked to him on call properly since a week and he is busy whole day. I keep texting him about my day with no replies. I wait until night for him to get free. But he sleeps with no goodnight texts either. He calls some and replies me whenever he gets time. I mean he doesn’t even call. I keep waiting here I don’t even feel I have a guy I can talk to about my day and what all happened or just puke out my frustrations instead but we end up fighting because I’m able to do none. And whenever we sort, he has one answer I do everything and you react everytime I can’t do more. I try not to talk to him so he gets space but I did that today and he didn’t bother calling me or even having curiosity of that level someone would expect. When we started dating everything was so good I felt chosen. Rn I just feel nothing and idk what am I doing. What should I do?

We uau

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iyushh
22 replies

Sameer @post_malone



Don’t be overthink if u want him back u can try one more


And if its end than let it be


It’s okay as you said you are kind of new to this thing. See you’ll have to talk to him on neutral grounds meaning you’ll have to ask him if he’s ready to sort things out, if he’s ready to put an end to this endless fights of no reason. If yes then contuine with what you feel, what things you expect from him, then he’ll do the same, after that tell what difficulties you are facing, let him also do that, see if you are able to find a solution to both of your problems. You’ll have yo work togetherly on this.


He loves me a lot. And me too. I have tried telling him my expectations a million times but he is just in his well, yk not going to do something out of the comfort phase. And, I’m tired of that non considerated show online. He’s not doing it willingly I understand. But, until when should I wait to talk to him? Simply talk! It’s already a week and I keep texting him I wanna talk about something and he would reply with dw everything will be fine. Umm idk I’m feeling confused


I think that you need to take a break from these things, let yourself calm down, keep your metal health at peace, this things are affecting you mental health and this will affect your relation too. If you need to share anything that you would like share try sharing with your best friends, or any friend with whom you have a good bond. Keep things quiet for a while see what happens, if he comes to you about what’s the matter then explain everything to him, what he has put you thought n all.


Yes, thank you ❤️


Are you from Indore

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Get a tight hug everything will be sorted

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iyushh

Hey there. I read your story more then once to understand what’s going on. As far as I see this, your guy isn’t ready to understand what you are going through. I feel that he is emotionally unavailable a few times or he doesn’t care about what you need from this relationship.

Maybe take your time out and you both should share what you need from this relationship. Is their really love between you guys or is it just a love tag.

Someway or the other you need to tell him what you expect out of it. I wish you both all the very best in life and pls take care of your mental health guys.


Hey, yes you got it absolutely right and I have tried conveying him my needs but he isn’t always available to do so and I understand that. But, I’m scared what if I find such distance in coming months it would get difficult for us. He loves me, I can bet on anything. But these things are visible when I meet him. In LDR, most of the time in the whole day we hardly talk and it has gone to an extent for him that it’s okay not to talk everyday because he’s busy but that kills me because I’m myself a medical student and I try taking out time and it’s no like you can’t even have seconds just to know about someone’s day

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iyushh

I know that feeling right. When you aren’t reciprocated of what you need. Maybe someday when you are physically with him, try telling him this and ask him to start change his behaviour a little bit.

Also please I suggest ask him what dose he want from this relationship. This is only going to work when the wants of both of you matches. I bet he loves you but does his actions convey the same?

I understand what medical students go though around. I hope you are doing well mentally and are taking care of your health.


Ya, you absolutely spoke the truth. Lately these things have been scaring the hell Outta me that what if he’s losing interest or was it just glittering up when we started dating, was all of the consideration a show just to pull me in? And whenever I would ask such questions physically, he would convey me that yes I’ll call you I’ll do I’ll try, I expect him to try. And last time I’ve cried hella lot when we were gonna move apart and he promised me this and the next day he didn’t bother calling me. Honestly, I am skeptical about his actions which is scaring me i just don’t wanna overthink but also not get stuck where I’m served less

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iyushh

See. I’m not getting any good boy or considerate boy vibes from your boyfriends actions. I know the fact that I will run miles if I could just to be around my girl, when she needs me. A relationship is about being supportive emotionally. And I am noticing that he is absent emotionally every time you need him.

Ask him if there’s something going on in his head or there’s something he is hiding. And of otherwise if this is his usual behaviour then I don’t get a good feeling. I hope you two talk it out and move to a better place asap.


This is his usual behaviour whenever I talk it out. He keeps arguing and we end up in a fight. The fight ends with a saying that I react everytime, I fight everytime and I say sorry everytime. Hence, I’m the person shown as if I’m always always always the one who’s wrong. I understand my way of talking out might be wrong but how long should I hold in my expectations and if I speak those out I’m just reacting and whatever problem is been spoken is not cared. It’s the argument and him and honestly I end up restless and having anxiety as I have such problems easily and my boyfriend knows I take psychologists help too. And he still says I’m trying to defend myself and honestly he has never listened to these minute things. He does many things physically which I don’t want tbh. But if I say he replies that yes, I’ll do everything from the moon and back and you question me did I ask you to do that. I just want him to talk to me


Been there. Tbh its normal to have busy day but no one is that busy that he can’t even call there partner to even say a hii or ask about each other’s day which I guess would take hardly a minute or two. And you know what just sit together one day and try to talk out the things… that’s the best thing you can do if you don’t wanna lose him and you know you love him and he loves you as well. But in the end I would suggest you to prioritise your goals and happiness first and don’t lose yourself in the process. And yes don’t even overthink and create any sort of fake scenarios in your mind about anything …JUST TALK TO YOUR PARTNER. Just ask him that you really want to discuss something and let me know when you are free. I hope everything gets sorted between you too. AND YES PLEASE SMILE …DON’T STRESS OUT… :)


Thank you 💕

Harsh @harsh25


siddu @siddisiddu

Hey don’t get worried
Be patience this kind of situations will solve easily k and please stay strong kk


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