Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Now&Me FeedbackThought


Hey ,I was wondering that can’t we have something like add friend feature or something like that here cause I genuinely feel that we must have come across some great people and often tend to be in touch with them because the creator has asked not to share any personal information so I thought this would be good , I’m not against this platform guideline this is just a suggestion and I fully in favor of you guidelines. Have a great day everyone

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
2 replies

Thank you so much for your suggestion!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

Hey Anonymous,

That is a wonderful suggestion, and we would love to introduce it someday.

The only thing that stops us currently from providing that feature, is keeping everyone’s safety in mind. Once we have worked out a way, to maintain safety & security, we will definitely allow for more 1:1/private interactions.

Thanks again for this lovely feedback! 🧡


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