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I need a small suggestion.
I am in a long distance relationship completing 2 years last month. A couple of months ago things were very very complicated but anyhow things got fixed and I see her putting efforts nicely these days, but there are few things that seems like she isn’t doing good with me I mean i feel like there is something that is going wrong from her end but now the thing is i am not sure that is it because of my overthinking or some real intuitions. I am unable to confront because i don’t want to bring anything that happened in the past because the day we fixed i promised that I would never bring back anything from the past. How should I deal with my thoughts?
Kindly share your thoughts.
Note: she never cheated

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aiena
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
5 replies

Talking openly is the best solution in my opinion. Things will get worse, if you don’t do it now. Tell her upfront clearly why you want to talk about past and your current feelings right now!! Talking will solve all the issues I believe!!

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If you going to talk … please have these conversations face to face and not in a video call

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aiena

Anant Singh @aiena

Meeting is the best solution

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

hey fren 🤍 we think talking to a relationship expert might help you. we have an expert feature on now&me where you can talk to an expert and gain new perspective as well as effective solutions to your situation. do give it a try 🤍 we think you will like it ✨


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