Regan @regs555
hey! I just want to get something off my mind.
I’ve recently been struggling with my mental health at the moment and I’ve told my manager at work about it. he’s supporting me and everything but I don’t know how to explain to my parents that I’m struggling. I’ve told them that I’m struggling but not in detail (like what’s been happening and everything). I honestly don’t know how to approach them or say to them how I’m feeling. I really need to tell someone and my parents are wondering why my manager wants to talk to me.
if anyone has some advice, I would honestly really appreciate it!
Dont bother too much. Whoever is more understanding of you among the two, approach them first and talk to them . Tell them what you feel and struggle about.
Regan @regs555
thankyou, yeah I want to talk to them but I don’t know how they are going to react tho
You wouldnt really know unless you try :p
If your parents support you just feel free and talk to them they may not understand i know but still let it out of you. Maybe try sharing with a friend too.
Regan @regs555
yeah I’ve told my friends about what’s been happening and they have been supporting me along the way. but like I hate keeping secrets from my parents tho
Your parents care about you and your well being. Try to explain things to them in a way they would understand better. Don’t be dejected if they are unable to understand you. They would still support you in whatever way they can…
Regan @regs555
yeah thanks so much for this! i might talk to them or not but I honestly don’t know if I should or not
If you are thinking that you would burden them with your issues, you are wrong. I have been in a similar situation. They don’t understand what I went through. But they were there for me when it mattered.
Hi, I am going through exactly the same feeling. Don’t know how to tell my family, because of things I did in past. I don’t even have friends to talk about this, they don’t understand 😅