Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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hey i just idk where to start i’ve been dealing with stress and anxiety recently i live someone that i don’t want to be no more i just don’t know what to do for myself i this point. Everyone that i talk to don’t even talk to me no more i just feel alone i want a friend to talk to right now. i want someone to tell me that everything’s gonna be alright and don’t worry about it. i’ve been feeling self conscious about myself i don’t think i’m good enough

4 replies

tanisha gupta @tessa

You are always good enough and if you think other wise, you work till you are satisfied with yourself for yourself! This is a phase and this shall too will pass and it will be alright and worth it. You will be fine because you are trying and that is enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH!


thank you i need more people like this in my life :)

tanisha gupta @tessa

Ofcourse! ^^)


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