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Hey! I hope everyone is doing great!
So I really needed some help!!
There is one of my friend who is on my mind constantly and I really don’t know why l, I get happy when I see his text and get nervous while talking to him and lemme tell you this never happened before with me and ik I could’ve confessed to him but I have a fear of losing him forever. Also the friend I am talking about liked me but that time I didn’t had any feelings for him and I told her best friend to not give him hopes but now idk why all of a sudden after that our conversation have become less day by day and now we barely talk (I also got in a little fight with his best friend…) But I really want those conversations back, those times when we used to chat for hours and just went with the flow. Also it’s my 12th board exams coming up soon and it’s difficult to concentrate sometimes so someone please help me like what should I do? Confess? Or just let it be?

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I guess you are right thanks a lot! 🥺

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