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I feel my whole life, whole fuckin 21 yrs of my life has been worthless. I don’t have any friends. I just talk to 2 3 ppl but knowing they are not trustworthy I don’t share anything with them. I know today or tomorrow they’ll leave too like everyone did. I feel god has not provided me with even basic happiness like having good school memories, good college group and memories. My school life, college life totally wasted. I feel major things missing from my life. But now I can’t go back and change them. That’s why I hate growing up too. I hate my life. I have always craved for ppl in my life but I always ended up as a loner. Academically also I’m worthless. So I have nothing in my life to feel happy about.

5 replies

Dude when you don’t have anyone in life the only best option is have success. For that you are gonna have to work hard. Now you don’t have anyone who is gonna judge you so pick yourself up and achieve something. It’s sad reality that sucess brings you friends.


Don’t lose hope . Life is not a movie that ends with all happiness in short. Noone get everything thing every time. You should think and have a fresh start . If you fails take a breath and start with new. Sometimes it takes much time to find a right freind. Or you really want to be freind change something in yourself according to opponent


OH MY GOD… please do not ever think this… you are just 21… JUST… there is a lot to come trust me… and your academics do not define your worth…! at all trust me… it’s okay to have fewer people in life… just discover what you’re good at… and try to focus on it… it can be anything! and you are worth it… you have been born so there is some reason for it… if u want make new friends… download dating apps and explore yourself… you’ll meet a lot of new people…
never feel you are worth less… you are just 21


You’re just 21 sweetie, you have so much to look forward to… being academically strong isn’t the life goal get that, read about Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory and you will realise. Try to figure out your strengths, try to focus on building yourself because it’s never too late


Listen, don’t force people to stay. Just go with the flow the best possible thing will be still waiting for you. Focus on your own self and your career and then the people who have left you who crave to be a part of your life. The ultimate motto should be for your own good not to please someone. And I’m pretty sure, the right person will arrive to help you out and be there with you for next journey. You just need to be little patient until then.

Whenever you feel like talking, just make sure you do cause you have people around you who care and are willing to understand you.

All the best buddy ♡


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