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Hey, I am so lost right now. I have no clue were I’m heading in life and one thing that always mattered were relationships. Except, well, I keep losing these bondings over I don’t even know what. I have noticed a pattern, it goes like this, I form really strong bondings with people and then it’s as if they simply lose interest in me and the relation just falls appart. I am clueless as to way because I’m not actively trying to ruin it or anything, in fact I try to keep it intact a lot of the time but to no good results. I am thinking maybe I’m just a husk of a human with no actually personality, anyway I am probably the loneliest I have ever been, just wanted to share, maybe get some words of good fortune. I am almost like afraid to form any new bondings because I consider myself just a lowly being who will simply dissapoint other and myself.

2 replies

Lekshmy S @lekshmy02


You first check for the books or videos on self love. Love ,accept and pamper yourself. Take care of your spiritual and physical well being. Do something to boost your confidence like hair care, losing weight, exercise, skin care etc. Be healthy and confident. When you start loving yourself right people and opportunities will start appearing. All the best… Remember this one thing that you are unique and born for the task only you can complete. Seek it. Enjoy it. Live it!!!


Thanks dude, much love.


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