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One Sided LoveThought


I am in love with someone who I have never met like he is so understanding person and very kind, he always helped me to get out of problems and that’s y I fell for him but the problem is that I cry every day cause this is one-sided love and I fell so deep that getting out of this is difficult and I don’t know what to do. I need help:)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
4 replies

considering you never that person but you know him, im assuming that you mustve met him online ? so i would really like you to take the hard path. Confess. See i know confession is one of the hardest choices to make, but always remeber that its better to regret something you did than to regret something you didnt do. I myself have been rejected thrice, and after the first time, i thought it was the wosrt thing to make the first move. But trust me, you’ll atleast know what he thinks about you. it may be the same way you feel about him but it may not like that also. Just stay confident in yourself, whatever the outcome may be. (P.S. if you met him online, i would really suggest you to express your feelings on a video call. Trust me chat isnt the best option. Its hard but itll me worth it).
Hope you find this helpful… Stay safe:)


thank u so much
but I’m a little scared cause we have remained best friends for so many months and I don’t want to lose that friendship

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

i totallly agree with @theunacknowledged . he is right make a move and confess. : ) rest you will know.
fingers crossedX


thank u:)


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