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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Have you all ever wondered why there are friends in the world?
Recently, one of my friends suffers from depression and me and my other friends seem to be getting to a dead end because none of us has ways of helping her at all. It is as if we are helpless people.
News flash, my best friend kept something so serious away from me for 2 years and I wasn’t expecting her to suffer from mild depression as well.
The previous one has been suffering from depression since she was in 7th grade, and it is getting worse. She couldn’t sleep because of the voices in her head, she loses control and will beat herself whenever she has anxiety attacks and she has family issues. I know my own boundaries so the family issue will be solved by her own family members. but how should I help her? She is suicidal too, eve tried cutting her own wrists

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cheetah
4 replies

I can understand how difficult this must be for you. Try being there for her as much as possible, she’s fighting battles inside of her. Tell her she can count on you. Make her confide in you. Give her hope. That everything is gonna be okay. And that you’ll be there no matter what. She needs love care and affection the most right now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cheetah

Sorry I replied too late but it got worse and i may sound very awful but i ady broke my friendship with her.

Like i get that she has trust issues but i do think that if one is willing to give u a helping hand and has the patience to help you then at least she can show that she is maybe thankful for it? But nope, she only comes to you when she needs help and kick you away when she doesnt need your help.

I know she is going through a tough time but it really affects others around her too, i just think that it isnt my place anymore to help her


Ermmm, can i know ur like ‘name’ ? If may sound very rude but i would jus like to talk to u more personally, like a deeper conversation


sureeeee, my name is Ems. sorry for the super late reply.


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