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Aakanksha @sadsoul0happyfa...

Hey guys!!
Just had one question, what to do when you are not an expressing individual i.e., not able to express what you feel about your partner, friends or family?
What to do when you love them, but you just cant say it more often or you are bad in expressing or to tell them?
Can’t your actions which are full of love and care take the place of words?
Can’t ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS applied in your love relationships??
Isn’t there any other way of showing your loved ones, how much you love them??

Ehhhh! Why this equation of expressing your love is so complicated?

Does this mean that you don’t love them?
Or it means that we are re-considering our options just because we are bad in this expressing game.??

4 replies

As long as your actions showcase your love, you dont need to explain yourself. Trust me. It’s only when your actions don’t match your words where some explanation is needed

Aakanksha @sadsoul0happyfa...

How to make sure that?
I’m confused…


Just show them that you love them. There’s no set ways to show people you love them but there’s a few things. Respect, loyalty, giving them priority any well many many more. Just try and be there for each other as much as you can

Aakanksha @sadsoul0happyfa...

Thankyou 😌


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