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Hey Guys, I’ve been feeling low recently.

I used to look Good in my College days as I had Hair, but since then my Hair has been constantly reducing and becoming lesser and lesser which is impacting my looks a big time.

A lot of people have made fun of me and I do not like the fact that I don’t look the same I used to look 1 year ago. It feels very bad to loose something that is a part of you at a young age of 23.

I feel i’m loosing my identity with my hair.

I tried alot to fix it. I first thought it has something to do with oils. I tried putting various types of oils. Then I thought it might be because of stress, I read alot of self help books and learned to fix my mental health and anxiety and gain confidence. But it still my hair never stopped falling out.

Then I realised I have a lot of junk food so must have to do with Diet and Nutrition.

I started working with a Dietitian to fix my diet and fullfil the nutrition needs of my body and changed my entire eating lifestyle. But still my hair doesnt stop falling.

I have checked my blood reports and everything in my body seems fine all, there is absolutely no problem at all.

I still don’t understand what’s the problem.

I feel so lost right now. I have worked very hard trying to manage this problem and balance many other things in my life but I feel everything has failed.

I’m trying to keep myself happy but i cannot.

And I’m not able to focus on anything.
I have alot of tasks and goals to accomplish but this particular problem is bothering me alot.

1 reply

if you’re on a diet it may affect your hair , I am kinda overweight and every time i go on diet , my hair falls and become weaker even though I eat healthy food but the fact that you reduce your calories it affects your hair so try to eat healthy but not reduce your calories and cheer up , cut your hair so it will become a little bit stronger when it’s short and of course it would look good on you , don’t stress yourself about looks you’re beautiful no matter what and ignore those people and have confidence in yourself , once you feel less stressed and not focusing on those who reduce your self steam , you will be okay
keep going ❤️👍


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