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Hey guys,
It hurt when YK, when you don’t mean anything to someone like you think. They are just good to you but others are more special. It’s not about opposite a girl or guy. But you think you share a good bond with them but it’s just your imagination. you always laughing together, just good time whenever you meet, Which is very very rare in your life. You don’t want anything from them, but still you are just passerby. They don’t tell you anything

1 reply

Yeah dude, I cried for days when I realised that, it took me months to become a bit better. But then I accepted it. Can’t change the reality after all.
Those who are destined to be with us will be with us no matter what because they have realized our value in their lives already. But, those who failed to recognise it will not give us that value. We must think it’s their lose. We are always valuable, we just need to be in the right place and at the right time.


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