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idkwhothisis123 @claudialister

hey guys! i am studying English lit at a level and one of my teachers had been very unwell and had been admitted to hospital at the start of lockdown. she set one essay to do, i emailed her and asked if there was a specific time for when this was due. she said no. i decided that i would crack on with immediate work rather than stressing over this essay. now she is well and back setting us work. she asked for the essay and i said yeah of course ill hand it in to you tomorrow. i had lost all the work that i had started and had to do it all again. i was now stressing because everyone else had finished it and i hadnt. i couldnt ask for help now because she was already pissed off at me. anyways i decided to get some help online and without even realising, i had copied quite a lot of their thoughts. i didnt think anything of it at the time as i just wanted it done. i now feel like shit. she has just sent me an email baso saying youve plagiarised and this is really seriously. youre in trouble and i dont want you to ever do it again. im super scared now. i have massively fucked up. i have never plagiarised before and i dont really understand it. we have prefect interviews coming up in 2 weeks and now i think i have put that in jeopardy. feel like such a shit person right now, honestly hate it when teachers are ashamed of you

3 replies

Hi…I can understnd this guilt. How about you send her an email apologising frm your heart and tell your teachr that you made a mistake and to forgive you nd that you will submit another essay as soon as possible… tell her this has happened first time and that you are very sorry…i am sure she will appreciate the honesty…

idkwhothisis123 @claudialister

its all been sorted now. i emailed my form tutor who i really trust, she had a conversation with my english teacher. They are drawing a line under it and it is not being marked on my record as i have never done anything like this before. my form tutor wouldnt have even known if i didnt tell her, but i did need to speak to someone about it because i was shitting myself.


I’m so glad this it got sorted out yayyyy!!!


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