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Hey guys i am so lonely although I have friends but they all selfish does not text or message me without any reason .
I am putting all the efforts in everything in friendship, education and yet no one reconginse me no one courages me they always be like you cannot do .
Thinking all this makes me feel very sad
I have cried thousand times . Although I am a boy i cannot cry in front of the family i cry when all are sleeping 🥲🥲
What should I do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyforlife

Joy @joyforlife

Bro, although world is full of selfish peoples bht consider if you are not selfish that means they also do exist, just you met with the wrong peoples arround. Don’t loose hope, just relax and be ready for the change. Stay motivated and try to be good enough even to those who doesn’t expect that from you. Life will keep changing. Stay positive ✌🏻 stay strong 💪 stay happy 🤗


Crying isn’t a bad thing. We all do cry and none shows it out. It’s ok to cry and vent out. Hugs


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