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Profile picture for Now&Me member @meganos1

Hey guys,
Comment your problems down below and I’ll try answer them and give advice. Or message me on Instagram @megan_os1.
I love helping people out and I want to become a motivational speaker in my later years.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @meganos1
5 replies

How will you help me?
I have abusive parents they abuse me physically and mentally!
My mother banged my head against a wall…I got 3 stitches thereafter…my father punched me on my nose and I was bleeding like crazy…and this is the most recent thing that happened…there are other countless incidents to add to this I’m 17 do I deserve this shit? + I don’t even have I can go talk to I cant file a complaint against them …they are my parents …the only option left is to steal my dad’s gun and shoot myself dead…


Why are they like this? Any reason?


Mother did it because I wanted to go out with my friends and then she said “now you can not”
My father punched me because I revolted saying that I am no longer a 7 year old they can’t always control everything I do


Why don’t you try to talk to them about everything

Profile picture for Now&Me member @meganos1

well, I know I can’t exactly help but I’m here is anyone wants to talk. I know the feeling of just wanting to leave your life behind but you should report your parents and if that’s not a option you would like be strong for until you turn 18 because then you won’t have to worry about them.


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