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Hey guys, can you help me please?, I have been dating a guy but we only have met once because we were busy, it is a casual type of thing but we talk a lot on call and he shares his life problems with me sometimes, idk I am confused, we are close not that close, now he’s asking me to have a night stay in a hotel and I am not up for sex but I am up for a little intimacy, what to do? Kindly help if someone has an answer?

9 replies

You can go… i mean just be sure that you don’t get attached later…
I’d say… meet him… and if it doesn’t feel right… you can always leave the place…

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Just tell him that you are not ready for sex , but you are okay with some intimacy and if he agrees on respecting your decision go with him…and after going there if you like going for more who is stopping you

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