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Hey folks,
New here and finding the way about better relationship. Actually I’ll introduce our relationship first. We both are knowing each other since college time, she was into me so badly as childish that goes any beyond control to be with me. Days past we both talked and started loving each other even though that we should ask parents to take next step into it. We been engaged by 2 years and went all things good, i was living out of city coz of my work place but able to come at her place within 3-4 hrs road journey. I regularly meet her on weekends and both having fun and loving each other same respectful and understanding way but things got wrong before 8 months from today. I started noticing in her nature that she growing and being her own self now. Im happy that she’s doing and standing in her own legs but it was not along with my foot. At same time she thought why should I’ve to depend on my fiance i can do anything and can be confident. Im independent women. I felt many changes into her self, change in priorities, respect towards me, conversations between us. Every got little change i began to worried that wts going on. It turn me into insecure that does she found another guy or someone brainwashing her or misguiding. I didn’t knw wt to do. On other hand our distance getting long each day by not understanding each other, gained anger and ego that why would i do things will sort automatically i should not have to waste of time. ( now ppl will judge me or even laugh on me after my next stages ) i frequently try to communicate wt is going on or wts problem she’s facing. She just keep saying time will heal and everything will sorted out. On that faith we even got married coz we already seen dreams and family involvement beside from that i still hoped on my relationship that once she will live with me eveythinh will resorted as we had but now till this min there is no progress. I feels that she’s mine but i dont have right on it our fights are keep going, miscommunication and lack of understanding still going on. Even i wont hesitate to let u all know that we both not even came into physical relation coz of unhappiness. I just had talk with her that why its happening with me why Im getting this things. I softly asked her today that wts going on we both nit deserve this kind if couple life. now what she replied. That’s my main question behind download this app

She told me that once im happy from inside everything will sort out and being husband think what is lack on u that not fulfiling. ( just want let u know all that Im doing everything for her, care, love and support everything atlist gave 100% which i know but still this statement broke my heart )

Now whomsoever reading this my matter please suggest me what she trying to say and what solution it should have except understanding and respect coz everyone knows this 2 things only maintain bond between any relationship so here it is please let me know what she expecting from me and what should I’ve to do in this situationz

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
7 replies
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She seems normal to me . Control your insecurities


Switch a place and imagine same thing would happen with her. Does she can control it?


Lol u are already independent right ? What’s your expectation

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Yes, you are doing right things. Now that you are married, just be with her. Also, set up your own self, make a career and be happy about it. Are you guys staying together?


We are living together but what’s point if we didn’t not feel that spark which a couple should have to be. Whenever we try to communicate misunderstanding and fight comes inbetweem

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Oh okay. I can understand. It’s best you let time takes it course. It will settle things. Some times, it’s best to live with issues and not resolve them. Rest you can decide what’s best for you. Wish you a happy married life ahead


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