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Hey, first of all good morning everyone .
I wish it was good morning for me too also , I am currently a student of class 11th starting a new journey to new subjects and new class . I think this phase of life is very tough , people say it’s easy after 10th but it isn’t . I think it even worse than 10th . Subject choosing is even worse ,after choosing commerce it like a u can’t go out for coachings, have a home tution wtf man let me explore yaar . I think dad’s are more controlling than mom’s . In my case it is idk about others . They wanna control my every action what I do to how much I should sleep , how much I should eat , to whom I should talk and to whom not , why the fuck I can’t decide on my own. It’s beginning to be intolerant now days but as girl up can’t say things and all I 2anna break these stereotypes . I fucking want my control on my life . It’s okay for parents to tell you each and every thing but they should also allow you to explore things man . My life’s been hell man wtf is going on . People start new journey new beginning but here I am Cursing my new beginning . I haven’t done anything upsetting my parents like not being in relationships l and being in all girls school I haven’t been disobedient . Can anyone suggest me something how to calm down . I don’t to sharexthere to my parents aur friends it’s like they won’t understand

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mysticalperson
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If I could I would have been , I think they won’t understand me . Btw thanks for the suggestion ✨


Hey just telling you from my experience… It seems that what our parents are doing is wrong, not allowing us to go out, not allowing us to take decisions on our own… But the reality is they are more experienced and those 2 people are the only one who really cares about you and want to see you’re success… But what we feel as a child is that why they are doing like this… Don’t get distracted what others are doing… Not even a single parent want to see there child in trouble… So just keep calm down you will understand after sometime that what they were doing was correct when you will become more mature…


That fine !! I understand they want us to have success in life but they can’t be too controlling noo ??


But that too is a part of parenting…If you have any younger sibling than you can relate how we use to stop them for doing silly things which are not silly for them… Try to see the positive side also… They may be wrong in some cases… But be optimistic


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