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hey fam,
my friend last night told me that im spending too much time on social media,and he said to reduce it down. now I know its for my own good but I donโ€™t know I felt kind of accused or blamed amth like that after hearing him out. i shouldnโ€™t right,I should have an open mind and take in advice and criticism in a good way but Iโ€™m finding it hard to do so.its not easy.and I somehow feel bad. umm any tips to help.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_


See this is just fair comment for your welfare,

And social media detox is a good thing and everyone should give it a try

Itโ€™ll make you happy with life without your phone

Itโ€™s really fun


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