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hey everyone, recently my girlfriend that i’ve spent two years with and had life goals with just left me because she thought i was cheating on her. She mainly thinks that because i’ve transferred to a school in France( I live in Morocco) which means that we’re far from each other. She’s been saying that I haven’t been here to talk to her or anything but I’ve been studying like a piece of shit and working night shifts. After 2 years it just en send in such a dumb way and i feel so empty and lost and i just wanna drop out of school quit my job and go back to morocco. She was everything to me she’s always been there and I feel it’s my fault of going far from her. I always thought we would make it work as a long distance relationship( for those out there in long distance I still believe in you guys you can make it) but anyways I’ve had so much in mind with this girl, a wedding, have kids, be with her till we’re old and all that. I swear I never believed in love before her but now I understand what’s real love and I would never be happy in my life if she’s not in it. She’s the one and I messed it all up by going fat from her but I had no choice.

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