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Profile picture for Now&Me member @niranjannitesh

Nitesh @niranjannitesh

Hey, everyone!
Just wanted to update you regarding the posts being reviewed dialog that you might be seeing and let you know that we are working on it.
And if possible please don’t spam this same thing again and again.

Why we implemented the review algorithm in the first place?
Since new members are joining Now&Me every day,
We had to implement a very basic moderation algorithm to keep the community safe and prevent any notorious activity.

But we have noticed that our algorithm is flagging some innocent posts and I am sorry for the inconvenience and I assure you that this is temporary and we are improving the algorithm daily to better moderate the posts and comments so that innocent posts don’t get flagged.

Thank you for your patience.
Stay safe and happy ✌️
- Nitesh

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostandconfused
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lee09
Profile picture for Now&Me member @letsfixthis
Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @niranjannitesh
14 replies

Yaaa mine also is pending

Profile picture for Now&Me member @niranjannitesh

Nitesh @niranjannitesh



Yaa, it happened with me as well, but I know you guys are doing the things just to keep us and the place safe. We are with you. 🤍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @niranjannitesh

Nitesh @niranjannitesh

Thanks for understanding. 😌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lostandconfused

Issy @lostandconfused

This did happen to me but it wasn’t a problem and pended through fast :) Thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing on this website ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @niranjannitesh

Nitesh @niranjannitesh


Profile picture for Now&Me member @lee09

Lee @lee09

🙋🏻‍♀️same with me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @niranjannitesh

Nitesh @niranjannitesh


This thought has been deleted by the thought author
Profile picture for Now&Me member @letsfixthis

Thank you Nitesh… that’s totally oki… u guys r doin so much of hard work. Thank you sooo much for doin this. God bless u all. 💜

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj

Thank you for the update Nitesh Sir! It is very important everyone is cautious on the platform and follows the rules!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sxkurxchxn

Mx Shay @sxkurxchxn

Keep up the good work!! <3


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