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uday @beautiful_soul7

Hey everybody hope u all fine & fit with strong and the beautiful body that god gives to you… Feel free to share thoughts feelings anything I’m always here like your best friend

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Have you ever met someone whose whole personality is their looks and fair skin?

Coz I have and find it very weird All they do is boast about how they look and pick on others around and judge on how they look… Also when this girl was single she used to bitcchh about others to me saying how can that girl have a bf she looks avg… Also once I told her that a guy from scl used to msg me she was like she msg me also… She thinks all guys want her… And others who exist are somehow inferior and stand no chance…

It’ sick to think lowly of someone just because you think you look better… And guess what she said it to me on my face that she looks better than me (and I swear it sounded soo offensive)

She ugliest human i’ve ever met in life

uday @beautiful_soul7


Your grace though I totally appreciate you young beauty of God no that’s doesn’t mean ur beautiful by face ur beautiful by face till at what time u can’t decide that ur face skin beauty will stay until ur death maybe u catch an fire accident maybe u got acid attack then they deeply cry until their death they deeply see that they are the most and one of the ugliest person in the universe but if you’re a beautiful person by heart by nature by feelings na then fire water acid nothing single piece of substance can’t kill your beautiful and still if u got that attack u feel free u feel happy about that that’s only kill my body isn’t it that’s only kill my body not the soul which always looks much more better pretty by birth and in this planet some rare piece of Kohinoor are still alive and that’s us who thinks there’s soul is so much beautiful by heart feelings nature and many more hope u stay happy and glow every single day mamβ€¦πŸ™ŒπŸ’–πŸ™


Ohh please don’t call me maamπŸ˜…
Nice to know you agree


Oh please just allow me to call mam you know every girl is my mother who teaches me lessons gives me love and infinite grains of happiness so till now I call everyone as mam jst not because I respect them because I see them as mother


But I m just a teenagerπŸ˜…
That’s a nice gesture tho




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