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3am ThoughtsThought


Hey. Can someone help me to know how to gain weight and glow up?
I had a major breakup like yesterday and my confidence it really hurts
I wanna get out this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lou_lu
14 replies

Use pain as fuel! Eat more frequently, stay active, exercise!
Set a goal of weight you want to archive, as far as i know you can gain up to 3 kgs in one month.


Hey, you’re right. Can I text you?

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I’m actually new to this app. Can you tell me how am I supposed to text you.

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Break up yestersay?

its gonna take some time to recover.

to glow up put some maleup, or if u xan handle the break, glow will come naturely.


change the diets include more protein sources .eggs chicken
eat lots of water for clear skin
start doing exercise

Uchiha @kha

The real grow up is self confidence babes. Gain confidence in your own body, how it is right now! Gaining weight and seeing your body change isn’t self confidence it’s self pleasure in how you look. Self confidence is also about who you are. First you need to realize people’s thoughts and actions towards you have nothing to do with you, it’s their problem. Wear clothes that make you feel good, if you’re caught up on what you think he would’ve liked, STOP. That’s the real glow up, develop yourself continue to grow don’t change yourself. And if down the road you gain weight it’ll be happy weight, that comes naturally from being happy.


Can I text you?

Uchiha @kha

Yes go ahead!

Kirti @km17

I also want to gain my weight

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lou_lu

What you need to know is that rest is as important as working. Take your time to be sad, complain, don’t ignore your feelings and pay attention to them. After that think about the mistakes that have been made by both of you. Learn from them.
When you heal from the breakup, you will naturally glow up. Only if you are completely healed though, don’t forget that. First pay attention to your inner self, then your other self which people see. What is inside shows on the outside. If you want any tips on how to get that “glow up”, you can connect with me again after you did the first step I already mentioned.


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