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anonymous bb @hazel17

Anybody here to listen?..

11 replies

Sai Sridhar @sridhar04


I’m here

anonymous bb @hazel17


Lately I feel like i am loosing control of everything in my life . Broke up with my best friend as it turned out she was lying to me about everything and saying bad things about me behind my back and i felt like good riddance but now I feel so lonely like even if she was fake and self obsessed she talked to me daily to talk about things that happened to her all day at that time I was annoyed because I couldn’t talk about myself but now I miss that.nobody talks to me . Also since past year I lost alot of weight but unhealthy methods and now everybody is praising me for getting thin and it makes me so scared that what if I gain it back and i hate myself everytime I eat something.everyting in my life is so messed up

Sai Sridhar @sridhar04


It happens , this kind of thing is pretty common these days you could try to occupy your mind with other things to not think about her , we could connect and be friends too if that’s fine I’ll listen to what you have to say but trust me this kind of thing will keep happening and you have to be strong

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