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Suicidal IdeationThought


hey all… i dont know how this works. its my first time here. i am feeling suicidal currently. i have committed mistakes in my life for which i am very shameful and let my family down. i trusted people and they betrayed me. my life is falling apart every passing minute. i dont find any way out but to kill myself. my family doesnt look at me the same way. i cant face either me or anyone else. if i didnt belong to a muslim family or any other non-orthodox family then what i did would be taken very casually but in my family its taken the other way. i have been labelled words by my own mother and elder brother and sister. i have lost all the confidence in myself. they told me if they were to be in my shoes they would have spat at my situation.
i really wish to die and kill myself. i hope i connect to people with the same feeling. thankyou!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite
Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar
5 replies

I‘m sorry you have to go trough that. I have the same problem. I hope everything is going to be fine for you.🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite

Hey dear,
Don’t worry people will say whatever they feel like but you know that you are strong , you are way too strong then people think. Show them how strong you are by phasing this problem and it’s okay to feel this way . It’s okay , remember everything will be alright and we are here to listen whenever you want to vent out … just don’t take any harsh decisions .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar

Avtar @avtar

Hey buddy listn-
Kabir sahab says - manukh janam dulamb h milhi na barmbar jyo fal pake bhoh gire bahuri na laage dal.

Just as the fruit falling from a tree does not fall with the tree once after falling down, similarly human birth is so rare that we do not get it again and again, so we did not have to try to sucide under any such situation. One should not even think about suicide.

Now I come to your point- See there is nothing in the world that cannot be forgiven. Now there are human mistakes, then no matter whether it is small or big, but mistakes do happen now. It does not mean that we regret it after making a big mistake. But never to commit suicide, we should always move forward, a person is made Mistake to learn, if he learns from his mistakes, then the master too will surely forgive And the parents too. And also their (parents) Thinking will definitely changing, not today or not tomorrow, day after tomorrow or may be after some time, they will surely forgive you for these things but you have to learn from your mistake and move forward.

Stay focused and positive towards your life.
Khud ko kabhi b mat koso hmehsa sikho apni galtiyo se or aage bdo.
Itihas khol k dekho Dunia m agar itne bde bde raja maharaja aaye or papi log galat kaam kr k gye h malik ne to unko b maaf kia h to hmari hasti he kya h ??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dynamite

Again , i agree


Heyyyy wait don’t end your life i am going through the same situation suicidal thoughts depression anxiety everything was falling apart. I also made many big mistakes. But without the mistakes we never grow or learn. Just repent god will forgive you don’t worry move on don’t even care about how your family look at you. Most of the parents are still living with a 100 years before mindset. Specially mothers. Just start taking care of your mental and physical health because you’re so worthy and precious keep your busy try to help others there’s people who loves you so please start a new chapter of your life just burn the past chapter try to not think about past. Best of luck


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