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3am ThoughtsThought


He’s affecting me so much. I wanna withdraw now. I’m scared I’m gonna fall in deep and he won’t even come halfway through.

13 replies

What’s happening?


I just wanna stop feeling anything for him. I can’t do this simple task!.. uhh i feel so frustrated.


Please try to sit with your emotions, I know it’s hard but instead of trying to push it away let it pass over you, while doing this please don’t do it with judgement rather with unconditional friendliness. It might be hard because you might be having so much love for this person but remember no one is this worth to make you feeling this frustrated. Call back all your to yourself. Sit with this pain let it pass over you.


Letting these emotions pass over is so hard. It fuckn hurts. Can’t we just be numb? Why feel anything?


I wish my friend, I wish but what’s life if we numb it all? How can we appreciate other things? Don’t we let those happy feelings pass through us without a second thought and just like that we have to do with our painful feelings as well. It is hard but it’s worth it. I don’t know what this pain might teach you but you’ll be glad that you had this phase in your life. You’re loved and enough please don’t be hard on yourself? Give yourself a hug and let it pass.


I’ll try my best


Are you fine dear?


I don’t think so.


Wanna speak?

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