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Here I am, laying in bed surrounded by tissues, crying my eyes out. My small dorm room feels like a cage and I am a wild, unstable animal. Depression hits harder day by day and I don’t know if I can even fight it anymore. My life is a mess. I am in a country far from home, I am a drop out, I didn’t get to meet many people because of covid and I have no clue about what I want to do with my life. I find it very hard to find a subject that really interests me and because of that I tend to focus more on human relationships (friends, family, etc.). I always put others before me to the point that I neglect myself. I always try please others before pleasing my self and I just can’t stop. I feel like a failure and an outcast that fits nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

2 replies

Giiiirl, I am in the exact same position as you… I am in another country, super far from home. I don’t leave my house for days and so, I feel the depression all over… I miss my family, friends and free time to myself since I’m so overwhelmed with uni work…
if you feel like sharing depression I’m here ❤️ Maybe we can help each other


Yeah, i mean…This sh!t is too overwhelming 😶


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