Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwtkms

lol @iwtkms


Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwtkms
4 replies

Bro what’s your deal. You always post these depressing things and ask people to help you but when people try to help you just back off. What’s the matter with you, what are you scared of. Trust me you can talk and you should

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwtkms

lol @iwtkms


I’m sorry if my post offended you, this wasn’t really me asking for help I was drowning in my thoughts and help was the word that I first thought of. I don’t back off, I do try to get help and listen to their advice, but everyone just make it about them and I also got a trouble with people helping me because I grew up with traumas, if you got a problem with me, please block me instead :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @iwtkms

lol @iwtkms


I really am sorry bro, wasn’t used to people helping me, I’ll try to post less on this type of stuff and try to bottle up my mind ig


I am not offended but you should let other people help you i am sure it will help. At least try once


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